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Hotel Operations

The Higher national diploma in Hotel Operations aims to confer a higher professional qualification, preparing students to plan, manage and coordinate the accommodation department, organise and ...

The Higher national diploma in Hotel Operations aims to confer a higher professional qualification, preparing students to plan, manage and coordinate the accommodation department, organise and supervise work teams, create accommodation programmes and plan marketing strategies for the management of the different sales channels and client profiles. The main activities in this area are:

— Planning, managing and coordinating the front office, floors and laundry sections, guaranteeing the excellence of the services provided;

— Drafting the organisation chart of the accommodation department and its responsibilities and functions, taking part in the recruitment and selection process of the employees;

— Supervising and guaranteeing the implementation of the accommodation departments’ management strategies;

— Planning and developing the sales management systems, using the proper computer applications;

— Coordinating and planning marketing strategies and new management policies for the different sales channels and client profiles; — Managing the analysis of the main management indicators and implementing necessary corrective actions;

— Developing the analysis of market trends in the accommodation department;

— Supervising the service standards and implementing systems to control its compliance;

— Supervising the compliance with the department’s budget, the financial results of the business and their analysis in order to develop solutions to possible problems.


Accredited for: 0 year(s) in

Consult reports www.a3es.pt

811 Hotels and restaurants
Number: R/CR 302.2/2015 DE 31-03-2022
No. dispatch/concierge: DESPACHO N.º 6847/2021 (2.ª SÉRIE), N.º 133
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Catering 1st Semester 3.0
Business Etiquette 1st Semester 3.0
Food Hygiene and Safety 2st Semester 3.0
Information Technologies Applied to Hospitality 2st Semester 4.0
F&B Management Annual 7.0
Accommodation Operations Management Annual 8.0
Housekeeping Management and Organisation Annual 6.0
French for Hotel Operations Annual 5.0
English for Hotel Operations Annual 7.0
Quantitative Methods Annual 4.0
Annual 10.0
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Applied Accounting 1st Semester 5.0
Entrepreneurship 1st Semester 4.0
Sales and Revenue Management 1st Semester 5.0
Human Resources Management 1st Semester 4.0
Hospitality Law 1st Semester 3.0
Spanish for Hotel Operations 1st Semester 4.0
Marketing and Sales in Hospitality 1st Semester 5.0
Work placement 2st Semester 30.0
  • Receptionist
  • Head receptionist
  • Accommodation manager
  • Head Housekeeper
  • Floor housekeeper
  • Floor attendant
  • Laundry maid/ Valet.

Who may apply to the Post-secondary Specialisation Programmes: Those who successfully concluded secondary education or its academic equivalent; Those who passed the mature students? exams, established specifically for the programme, according to the Decree-law nr. 64/2006, of 21st March; Students who passed all subjects that are part of the 10th and 11th year curricula in secondary education, or its academic equivalents, but did not complete secondary education and were considered ready for post-secondary programmes through an exam done at the higher education institution; Those with a certificate in a technological specialisation course, in a post-secondary specialisation programme or with a higher education degree who wish to enroll in professional retraining.

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