Entrada > Notícias > Curso Internacional "Accessible Tourism"
Publicado em: 12 Julho 2018

Curso Internacional "Accessible Tourism"

O curso será lecionado pela Prof.ª Leena Kuosmanen, da Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

A Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo vai realizar o curso internacional intitulado “Accessible Tourism” lecionado pela Prof.ª Leena Kuosmanen, da Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

O curso é de 20h e decorrerá entre os dias 19 e 25 de julho de 2018, com 4h por dia, das 9:00h às 13:00h. No final será entregue um certificado a todos os participantes, que no caso dos estudantes poderá ser integrado no seu suplemento ao diploma.

"Accessible  tourism  enables  people  with  access  requirements,  including  mobility,  vision,  hearing and  cognitive  dimension  of  access,  to  function  independently  and  with  equity  and  dignity  through the delivery of universally designed tourism products, services and environments.  This definition is inclusive of all people including those travelling with children in prams, people with disabilities and seniors." (Darcy & Dickson 2009; Buhalis & Darcy 2011).

Short Bio of PhD Leena Kuosmanen:

Ms. Leena Kuosmanen is a senior lecturer at Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland. Master in Educational Sciences (lifelong learning, special needs  teacher), Bachelor in Hospitality Management, a Specialist in Competence - Based  Qualifications. Her expertise is on tourism (FAM and film tourism), accessible service environments, multicultural pedagogics with students with special needs in adaptation process and with learning problems  and  learning  techniques. She has actively developed accessibility at Laurea UAS with partner companies by conducting accessibility evaluations with students with physically, visually or hearing impaired test users at their premises.

30€ - Comunidade P.PORTO

40€ - Público em geral

As inscrições são realizadas por email para candidasilva@esht.ipp.pt até ao dia 16 de julho, com os seguintes dados:
Nome Completo;
Unidade Orgânica;
No caso dos estudantes devem acrescentar:
Número de estudante;
Curso que frequentam.


Worskhop “Portuguese Cocktails”, barmen Tiago Castro.

Integrado no curso "Accessible Tourism", ocorrerá na tarde do dia 24/07/18.

Short Bio of Tiago Castro:
Tiago Castro, born on the 11th of June 1993, started it’s professional path at the age of 16, working in bars and restaurants where he developed skills and knowledge to make him the professional of today. Spent half a year abroad, in Tenerife, Spain where he worked in a varieaty of departments inside a  hotel where he started to gain the passion for being behind a bar. Back to Portugal he started to work and develop skills as a bartender and leading staff teams and managing bars back offices. Currently working as head bartender at Nogueira’s Porto.

Combined Shape
